Cloverfield Movie

Don't forget, Cloverfield 3 hits theaters this year!
Scified2017-01-11 17:12:16
Written by Chris51,046 Reads2 Comments2017-01-11 17:12:16

As if 2017's film lineup couldn't get any better, we have Cloverfield 3 to look forward to as well! Arriving in theaters on October 27th, 2017, the third installment in the Cloverfield film series, officially titled God Particle will potentially answer some big questions posed by both the original Cloverfield movie and its sequel 10 Cloverfield Lane. We have a theory as to how that might play out and will be sharing that in a separate editorial down the road.

Here is the official plot synopsis for God Particle / Cloverfield 3:

A shocking discovery forces a team of astronauts aboard a space station to fight for survival while their reality has been altered.

This synopsis seems to suggest a somewhat claustrophobic / horror vibe, involving a small team of astronauts stranded on a space station, facing alternate realities, all while "fighting for their own survival". Do they awaken a dormant Alien life form that gets loose on the station? Do they alter time in a way that opens up a portal to an alternate dimension - allowing terrible creatures to pass through? We have a feeling the answer may not be as straightforward or cliche as those two scenarios.

Although the description provided is extremely vague, as we near October, 2017 new details should surface to give us a better picture of what God Particle is really about. The film will be directed by Julis Onah and produced once again by J.J. Abrams.

Are you excited for God Particle? Let us know in the comments!



MemberParasiteJan-11-2017 5:25 PM

Interesting news Chris... i wander if this movie would be another Anthology with Easter Eggs.. like 10 Cloverfield Lane was or somehow it would connect both the other two movies?

I watched 10 Cloverfield land again the other day, and its a interesting movie that i felt they never needed to end it the way it was done... its a very interesting movie for those with a keen eye, where when you catch suptile clues you miss first time around that totally turn the whos the Monster on its head... but then its also ambiguous so all you get is a alternative theory...

Wont go spoil that movie for those who have not seen it, but 2nd and 3rd watch is recommended as you see it in a different light.


MemberSlushoJan-11-2017 6:41 PM

I'll probably go see it. I hope it ties them all together and gives us some answers. I really enjoyed Cloverfield, actually the only found footage film I like, and 10 Cloverfield Lane was well done but I felt left more questions than answers. 

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